Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Weather forecast next three days...SNOW

taken from

Today (Wednesday) 2.6" of snow expected
Tomorrow (Thursday) 2.5" of snow expected
Friday, January 1st, 5.8" of snow expected

I was wondering if there was going to be enough snow for ski school to begin for our elementary school children on the first Friday of the year. Maybe?

UPDATE 2/13/10 - SKI SCHOOl for the Cokeville Elementary School was cancelled for the first two Friday sessions because of lack of snow.

Centennial Celebration FIREWORKS!


January 1*, to usher in our centennial year with a bang we will have a New Year's Eve fireworks display at the football field at 6:30 pm. Under the direction of the police department.
(Taken from the Star Valley Independent December 24, 2009)
* believes this date to be incorrect. We believe the correct date is on December 31 at 6:30 pm. Anyone have correct information?

Monday, December 28, 2009

Lincoln County Historical Website

Ed Lisota and wife and friends from Star Valley have worked faithfully and diligently to have Lincoln County, Wyoming historical information accessible via the web. Cokeville blog, Cokeville Historical Society, Karla Toomer, and several others have volunteered to help provide information to Ed for the website. Eva Clark has written several short histories for Ed to use on the site. Ed spent a day two summers ago photographing every headstone at the Cokeville cemetery, front and back, and then changing the images to be useful for viewing on the internet. There is much work to be done, both with the website, collecting information about history, and on the Cokeville Historical Society. Please let Karla Toomer know if you are able to spend some time on this or any related project! Thanks and CHECK OUT THIS SITE!!

Where to buy 4H pigs by Steph in WY

"Steph in WY" sent the following to be posted on

I was wondering if you could post some information on the blogspot for me.. I have found a source for 4H pigs. I have made arrangements for 20 piglets to be delivered in March. Pigs will cost $150 each. These pigs come from champion show lines and are very competitive throughout Idaho, Utah, Oregon, Washington, California & Wyoming. If interested or if more information is needed, contact Stephanie at 279-3317; 801-580-0820;

Steph in WY
Crops Of Memories

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Attempted Rape in Montpelier tonight - Be Alert

This just in from Chief of Police Aaron Miller:

Tonight was an attempted rape on a stay-at-home Mom in Montpelier, Idaho by an unknown man with a dark ski mask. Chief Miller stated that there was no rhyme or reason to this attempt and it may be more of a serial-type rapist who may be in the area. Please be on the look out.

It is not known by Cokeville Blog if the attempted rape took place in a public or private place

This notice posted at the phone request of Chief Miller

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Congratulations to Cokeville Blogspots own Shelley Gailey!

Congratulations to Cokeville Blogspots own Shelley Gailey on the birth of her and husband Aaron's son! Best of luck to an awesome family!!

CCP and Hunt Plan for Cokeville Meadows National Wildlife Refuge (NWR)

Photos copyright Keith Penner

This email in from Kate Kirk, Biological Technician of Cokeville Meadows NWR

Cokeville residents please come with your questions, comments and ideas. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will hold two public open house meetings in southwestern Wyoming to solicit public input for the development of a Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) and Hunt Plan for the Cokeville Meadows National Wildlife Refuge (NWR). The Service encourages everyone with an interest in these significant public resources to participate in this process and help create the vision for future management of this refuge.

Meeting dates, times, and locations are:
November 17, Cokeville, 6-9:00 pm., Cokeville High School Auditorium, 435 Pine Street, Cokeville, WY 83114
November 18, Diamondville, 6-9:00 p.m., Best Western Fossil Country Inn & Suites, Conference Room, 760 Highway 189/30. Diamondville, WY 83116

I know it is getting close but I would really appreciate this. I think this is a real opportunity for the Refuge to move forward and become much more involved with the community.

Thank you so much,


Kate Kirk
Biological Technician
Cokeville Meadows NWR
P.O. Box 700
Green River, WY 82935
fax 307-875-4425
cell 307-870-5491

Election (Unofficial) Results - Hospital District '09

The South Lincoln Hospital District proposed enlargment to include Cokeville has failed, according to the unofficial results (not yet certified) at

Precinct 2-9 (Cokeville)
For: 65 Against: 159

Rejected: 1

Precincts 1-1 thru 1-8 (Kemerer, Diamondville, Opal, LaBarge, and surrounding rural areas)

For: 897 Against: 184

Rejected: 1 Blank: 1

Total Returned Ballots: 1,308

It did not pass, it could only pass if both voting entities approved the enlargement

WHAT THIS MEANS IS UNCLEAR. The only clear thing is that Cokeville will not be joining the South Lincoln Hospital District, at least at this time. That means no new tax for Cokeville. It also leaves the question of the operation of the Cokeville Clinic unclear - but a joining of the Hospital District would not have cleared this up, either.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Recent listing on homes/land for sale in Cokeville

FYI - this just in from the and lots for sale in and around Cokeville.
Here is the link to the site

1st Round of the Football 1A State Football Playoffs!

TODAY! Finally, after two postponements, will be the 1st Round of the Football 1A State Football Playoffs!

at 1pm at the Cokeville High School Football Field

There is a cost so be prepared!

Cokeville Panthers will take on Pine Bluffs. The winner will move on to the 2nd Round to play Lingle/Ft. Laramie. The winner of that will then play in Laramie at War Memorial Stadium for the Championship against a team yet to be determined.

GOOOOOO Panthers!

Here's the link
to a blog called WHSFB HQ - The Wyoming high school football blog. It is very well done.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Dimond, Petersen honored

Two outstanding Cokeville citizen's were honored during the October Cokeville Town Council Meeting. Lyn Dimond received the "Lifetime Achievement Award" for 2008 and Stewart Petersen received the "Citizen of the Year 2008". Congratulations to these two men. The honors were well deserved.

Click here to read Cokeville blogspot's announcement of this event

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Haunted Halloween

From Fiona and her Haunted House on All Hallow's EVE and Mrs. Charlotte Freeman...

To the Cokeville Elementary School, PTO, and especially Mrs. Warner and the 6th grade class... for putting on the Halloween Carnival

To the wonderful folks who provided treats to little creatures, other-worldly beings, and such scuttering through the streets of Cokeville on Halloween Night...

The Cokeville Blog sends A BIG THANK YOU!!
for keeping Halloween a fun and safe time for our CHILDREN!!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Contagious Little Small Town

So some times we may live a little too close for comfort in this small town with the big heart. Although this may not do well for our thriving tourism industry, for the public health reasons Cokeville blogspot has made the decision to let people know that three contagious diseases are concurrently in our town. Influenza Type A, H1N1 (Swine Flu) and Chicken Pox are all in town at this time. Guests at our motels are not likely to come into contact with local children and/or parents of school children and school workers, where these seem to be most going around.

Please, do not send children to school sick.
Have on hand: GATORADE, Powerade, other liquids, fever reducing medicine, and NEW TOOTHBRUSHES in case this hits your house. Also, perhaps 7 days of freezer meals or other ready-prepared meals might come in handy if you are confined to your home with H1N1.

A young girl recently told me swine flu was at her grandma's. She was told that her grandma most certainly did not have swine flu. She stated that she was told from a friend that swine flu was in grandma's front yard! Very gently, it was explained to the young girl that swine flu was a disease and had to be in someone, not just hanging out in their front yard. The young girl replied, "well, ok. I heard it was going a round, though." True Story

Centennial Planning or Learn to Can fun food items!

Word out is that there are two meetings available this evening. Cokeville Chamber of Commerce will meet at 7pm at the basement of the town hall for an evening of outlining the Centennial Celebration. Also, ladies, tonight is a special canning session sponsored by the Relief Society. For more information, Marge can be contacted.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Circus photos - a little late! Please contribute yours!

Cokeville blog has had a request to post photos of the infamous circus that blew through Cokeville one windy, wild evening in August. We have access to a few but none of the really good stuff! Anyone have the "animals", the men holding up the tight rope wires, the Shrek picture op, or any of the other surreal events of the evening? Please send them to

Here is the original blog
post on the circus.

October 13 - Citizen Awards

Cokeville Mayor Stan Thompson gave the green light for the Cokeville Citizen Award Selection Committee (a committee of the Cokeville Chamber of Commerce) to present it's annual Citizen Awards at the October 13 Town Council Meeting
Time: 7pm, Tuesday, October 13
Place: Cokeville Town Hall
Who: Everyone
Why: To honor the following individuals

Citizen of the Year (2008) Stewart Petersen
Lifetime Achievement Lynn Dimond

Please join us to thank these outstanding citizens. Refreshments served following presentation

The awards will be presented during council's "new business" and we thank the Town Council for participating in honoring outstanding citizens.
Link to photos of the event

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Homecoming 2009

"Give Back to Dave Wade" Fundraiser

Thank you to all who participated in making the "Give Back to Dave Wade" community fundraiser a success. We are so blessed to be able to have this beautiful painting by Dave Wade in our community, hanging in our high school. Thanks everyone and thank you Dave!

Submitted by the Cokeville Miracle Foundation, "Your community non-profit foundation"

Monday, September 28, 2009

Cokeville Development Corporation

Cokeville Council approved the Articles of Incorporation for
Cokeville Development Corporation.

There will be an
informational meeting at the Town Hall on Tuesday, September 29th at 7 p.m.

(Submitted for use on the Cokeville Blog by Harry Staven)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Tell me more about the Dave Wade Fundraiser

Dave Wade
and his family lived in Cokeville and during their time here, they greatly enriched many people's lives.

Additionally, during that time period and in the time period following their subsequent moves, the Wade family has contributed back to our community for a number of fundraisers in the form of donating prints of Dave's world renowned wildlife paintings.

Trials hit all families and one has hit Dave. The Cokeville Miracle Foundation was contemplating a way to purchase a Dave Wade original painting to hang in our high school when they heard of Dave's personal situation.

He was contacted and agreed to make a painting for the school and finally was also convinced to let Cokeville Community raise funds to pay for the painting. The Miracle Foundation decided that a community effort to raise $5000 was obtainable, especially since they were able to match dollar for dollar the first $2500 raised by the community.

HOWEVER, Dave made a HUGE painting for the school, not a small one as envisioned by the Cokeville Miracle Foundation. Dave is STILL GIVING back to the community, as a painting of the size made would command much more than the $5000 the Cokeville Miracle Foundation and Cokeville Community is raising.

The painting will be unveiled at the Homecoming Assembly this Friday. Dave Wade will be present. Please come support the Homecoming Activities and this special presentation. All donations received will go to "Give Back to Dave Wade", even if the total raised exceeds the $5000


Homecoming Week - Get your classmates involved!

This marks Homecoming Week for the Cokeville Panthers. Today students in jr. and sr. high school went to school dressed in PAJAMA'S! That was the theme of the day!

In recognition of Homecoming, we need individuals who can rally current or former classmates to take on the Class Challenge for the "Give Back to Dave Wade" fundraiser! Every class that cumulatively raises $100 or more dollars will be recognized on the frame of the painting that will be presented to the Cokeville High School this Friday, at the Homecoming Assembly.

Donations may be mailed to Cokeville Miracle Foundation, PO BOX 37, Cokeville, Wyo 83114

Thanks for your continued support!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cokeville Development Corporation - September 29th informational meeting

Cokeville Council approved the Articles of Incorporation for
Cokeville Development Corporation last Tuesday. There will be an
informational meeting at the Town Hall on Tuesday, September 29th at
7 p.m.

(Submitted for use on the Cokeville Blog by Harry Staven)

"Give Back to Dave Wade"


The "Give Back to Dave Wade" fundraiser is entering its second week with a goal to raise $5000* towards placing an original painting of a panther by former Cokeville resident Dave Wade in the Cokeville High School.

Letters were mailed to all community boxholders last Monday and nearly $800 has been contributed in the past 7 days! THANK YOU COKEVILLE COMMUNITY! Contributions can be sent to PO BOX 37 or given to Karla, Chemene or Susan F.

Cokeville recognizes Dave Wade for all the contributions he has made to our community. During the years he lived here with his family he worked with adults and students in a variety of ways. He taught painting lessons, was active with community youth, was active in his church in a variety of callings, volunteered his time with aspiring artists, donated prints of his paintings to fundraisers, and spent countless hours enriching the lives of many families and individuals in this town.

Even now as we wanted to give a little something back to Dave Wade, we find ourselves the recipients once again of his charity and love as we are receiving a beautiful painting to hang in our high school. We feel very honored that we will be able to have a painting of a panther on permanent display in the high school made by a man held in such high esteem by the community.

*Our local community non-profit foundation, The Cokeville Miracle Foundation, is overseeing this project and have agreed to match, dollar for dollar, the first $2500 to be contributed by the community.

The minimum fundraising goal is $5000 but every dollar raised from the letter campaign will go to the "Give Back to Dave Wade" fundraiser! Monetary contributions of all sizes welcome and greatly appreciated. Donations of $100 or greater have the option to receive special recognition in the form of recognizing a class (ie Class of 1950) or in a family name or in memory of someone. Smaller contributions (ie $20) will have a cumulative effect if donated towards a class (ie Class of 1989) and once a particular class reaches $100, that class will also be recognized.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Circus Coming to Cokeville

On Wednesday, Aug. 5th, Circus of the Stars is coming to Cokeville! Show starts at 7:00 pm at the rodeo grounds. Free tickets are available for children 12 and under at The Store, Cokeville Library, Flying J, Hideout Motel, Valley Hi Motel, Cokeville Clinic and the Cokeville Chamber of Commerce. Free tickets are good only with a paying adult (up to three children with each paying adult.) Adult tickets will be around $10 and available for purchase before the show.

Click here to see our blog post with pictures of the circus

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

4th of July Talent Show entries needed!

Will you please post that i'm looking for people interested and willing to be a part of the talent show on the 4th. We need someone or groups of people every half hour. we are starting the talent show at 1:00 p.m. So we need someone at 1:00 for about 5 - 10 minutes and then someone at 1:30 for 5 - 10 minutes. We need people till about 4:30 p.m. They would like to start the children's parade at 5:00 p.m. So we need to be done by then. They are also going to do games in between each talent. Thanks so much. Have them give Cassie Roberts a call if interested.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Cokeville - The Big Shake Up (Shake down?)

Just when we were finally writing our check's to "Mindy's Market" instead of "Country Shopper", there is a sign on Cokeville's only town store announcing it is closed, temporarily, with new management coming and the guess that a new name will follow. Maybe we didn't turn our hungry stomachs to Cokeville's Flying J Restaurant, Country Market enough, because it shut down last week. Rumor is, not to open again. Condolences to all those that are now out of work.

No Country Shopper; apparently no whole pizza's at the Flying J - only by the slice; the Tri-Mart still sitting empty after all these years....not a single restaurant in town? No where to sit down and have a bite to eat, a beverage - hot or cold, late-night snack attack satisfaction?

Now is the time to invest in Cokeville! There are so many more things at stake here. We need to collectively find ways to step in and make Cokeville's heart keep beating. The schools cannot do it for us. Just being good neighbor's to each other will not do it. We each need to contribute to this communities health. Ideas and comments welcome

Friday, May 22, 2009

Great Website - Evanston Network

Trying to find out the movies playing in surrounding towns can take multiple phone calls and sometimes, a little frustration trying to understand the recordings on the telephone. This is a great website, listing all movies in Afton, Evanston, Kemmerer, and Lyman. Plus this website has much more.

Cokeville.blogspot likes it so much for entertainment choices and more, that we are adding it to our suggested links so it's easy to find!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Animal Adoption

There is some interest in animal adoption in Cokeville. would like to list links for area adoption agencies. Please pass on any links you know of.

ANH Bear Lake (Animals Need Help) animal adoption

Animal Humane Society Association of Star Valley animal adoption

Condolences to Virgil Bailey Family wishes to pass on condolences to the family for the passing of Virgil Bailey. He was a very friendly and knowledgeable man and will be missed by many. Funeral arrangements are not known at this time.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Free flowers! Come and dig..

I want to offer some free flowers that are in the wrong places in my yard!

I have lots and lots of shasta daisies (white and yellow) if anyone wants to come and dig some out before they get much bigger. These are good for along fences or naturalizing as they tend to spread. These bloom from mid-summer on.

I also have dames rocket. This smells pretty at night and almost glows in moonlight, but is very invasive!!! It is an late spring/early summer blooming flower about 12 inches in height, dark green leaves and a purple flower. It causes itching in some people that touch the foliage so always use gloves when handling it. It spreads and spreads by seeds so you have to cut off the flowers right when the fade to avoid the thousands of seeds from falling to the ground!!

There is also many beautiful violas (tiny pansies) in a wide variety of colors which I love but would be willing to share. These do not transplant well when it is hot or they get big, so get them now.

Do you need some quaking aspens? These are a nice tree but theys spread and spread by sucker (underground root system). I have lots of suckers that I pull every spring. I have already started pulling put if you have one or two let me know and I'll save some for you to come and dig.

There are a few painted daisies (pink, purple) for the first people that come.

And, lots and lots of chives, ready to transplant!
3471 karla

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Eleutian TIME CHANGE for tonight!



Eleutian Meeting


This is in reference to the signs posted around town and the emails that have gone out to known "potentially interested" people of Cokeville. The meeting is open to the general public to come and learn about a possible new part-time job that could come to Cokeville. It will be held at the Cokeville Town Hall

Friday, May 01, 2009

H1N1 tapering?

Hopefully the last week of "Swine Flu" or H1N1, will have tested all our emergency response plans and our own personal preparedness. Hopefully, it will go away. It appears, from various reports, that it may be tapering off. It was encouraging to read yesterday from a commentator that although this is spreading, it doesn't appear to be very deadly. OK, that makes it easier to handle. People get sick but mortality rates don't increase with exposure. Very good. Of course, the 1918 strain hit hardest the second wave, months after the first wave hit. It is apparent that the medical world will know use that interim time to prepare, study, and learn from the past.

From an article on MSNBC:

"We don't know for certain that this will end up being more severe than other seasonal flus that we have," Obama said. "And it's been noted, I think, before that you have over 36,000 people die on average every year from seasonal flus. You have 200,000 hospitalizations. It may turn out that H1N1 runs its course like ordinary flus, in which case we will have prepared and we won't need all these preparations."

Still, he said, Americans and people around the world have not built up immunity to this new flu strain, "So that's why we're taking it seriously."

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu - Your Questions Answered

I really like this Q & A on swine flu, found this morning on the net. Last night's news said the United States is doing all that it needs to be doing right and plans that were in place have now been activated. Even today's announcement of 3 possible swine flu cases in our "neighbor" Park City, Utah, have caused all schools to be closed as a precaution. Containment is a very good plan. The New York school (St. Francis?) that early on had swine flu has shown that it did NOT pass to classmates and family in a wide spread manner so that is good to know.

What can we do? The advice is wash hands, stay home if you feel sick, avoid sustained contact in closed areas, and CALL your doctor (do not drive to their office) if you think someone you know may have swine flu.

Here is the official advice from CDC

What You Can Do to Stay Healthy

  • Stay informed. This website will be updated regularly as information becomes available.
  • Influenza is thought to spread mainly person-to-person through coughing or sneezing of infected people.
  • Take everyday actions to stay healthy.
    • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
    • Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hands cleaners are also effective.
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way.
    • Stay home if you get sick. CDC recommends that you stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.
  • Follow public health advice regarding school closures, avoiding crowds and other social distancing measures.
  • Develop a family emergency plan as a precaution. This should include storing a supply of food, medicines, facemasks, alcohol-based hand rubs and other essential supplies.
  • Call 1-800-CDC-INFO for more information.
Here is the updated information 5/1/09 (I post it because it is interesting how they changed some bolding at the end...also I want to track changes to the suggestions)

What You Can Do to Stay Healthy

  • Stay informed. This website will be updated regularly as information becomes available.
  • Influenza is thought to spread mainly person-to-person through coughing or sneezing of infected people.
  • Take everyday actions to stay healthy.
    • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
    • Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hands cleaners are also effective.
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way.
    • Stay home if you get sick. CDC recommends that you stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.
  • Follow public health advice regarding school closures, avoiding crowds and other social distancing measures.
  • Develop a family emergency plan as a precaution. This should include storing a supply of food, medicines, facemasks, alcohol-based hand rubs and other essential supplies.
  • Call 1-800-CDC-INFO for more information.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Panademic is Imminent

The CDC raised the Pandemic alert level to a 5 which is described as "pandemic is imminent". You can read about the different Pandemic Alert levels by clicking here

CDC on What You Can Do:
Develop a family emergency plan as a precaution. This should include storing a supply of food, medicines, facemasks, alcohol-based hand rubs and other essential supplies.

Cokeville Citizen's - "Heads Up"

This just in in an email from HARRY STAVEN:

Please tell your friends and neighbors about the
Community Assessment project
where you can voice your opinion on the various
strategic issues facing the Town of Cokeville. If you can not make
any of the scheduled break-out listening sessions on Tuesday (May
, you can meet the team members here at the Town Hall later that
evening and discuss any topic of interest.

Then, on Thursday evening at 7 p.m. plan to attend the Eluetian Company community presentation event, 7 p.m., here at the Town Hall.

Swine Flu - level 5 of 6 on CDC scale

The Swine Flu has reached a 5 out of 6 levels on the CDC Scale. Read the full report here:
How will Cokeville handle a pandemic? What are you doing to prepare? Have you changed any travel plans or spending plans? How should Cokeville citizens, individually, be preparing for a possible pandemic? Comments from Cokeville EMS, police, town welcome as well.

Please add your comments to the comments link.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Film "Where the Red Fern Grows" celebrated in small town

The film, "Where the Red Fern Grows", was celebrated and remembered in the small town of Tahlequah recently. A Cokeville local, Stewart Petersen, who starred in the film was asked to return to the small town and here is an article in a Tahlequah newspaper on that event:

Beck Fundraiser

A fundraiser for Alan Beck will be held on April 29th, 2009. Please save the date for dinner and an auction. Voluntary donations to be auctioned very welcome. Monetary donations in lieu of auction items also welcome.
Contact Celeste Jackman for more information

Cokeville High School
Dinner Sloppy Joes - 6pm
under 4 $3
4 and up $5
Auction begins 7pm
Please have auction items to high school by 5:30pm

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cokeville Miracle Foundation...meeting tonight

This is an invitation to our quarterly meeting of the Cokeville
Miracle Foundation on Tuesday April 21, 2009 at the Cokeville Sr.
Citizen Center at 7:30pm.

Small Business website...

We have been talking about small businesses and have found this great small business website...very professionally done. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

No Cokeville Easter Egg Hunt

There is NO
Cokeville Chamber of Commerce

Easter Egg Hunt

There are several factors leading to this outcome but mainly it is due to the fact that Spring Break falls over the Easter weekend and spring break extends until Monday. There are few hands available to help with the hunt (probably also an indication that there would be few at the hunt).

Do you want to see the egg hunt and are frustrated that it didn't happen? Don't be frustrated but do something! What?

JOIN THE COKEVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE if you want this and other volunteer opportunities that can make a difference. The Cokeville Chamber of Commerce and Town of Cokeville typically have split the cost of the egg hunt 50/50 with the Chamber or a Chamber volunteer doing the work. Last year we had two non-chamber volunteers put on the egg hunt.

The Chamber is "Open" to anyone civic minded, not just businesses and business people! So, make a difference. Do not wait for someone to ASK YOU TO DO SOMETHING but get out and get involved!!!

And a P.S. from me: Many Cokeville people ARE involved in many civic and volunteer positions. Most Cokeville organizations, at this time, find themselves short in number. I would like to personally say THANK YOU to everyone that keeps things going. (Elementary school aides, PTO, EMT, Rodeo Club etc.) I know all volunteer organizations would appreciate any extra help people can give.

Employment Recruitment - Letter from Harry A. Staven

The following is a two page letter from Harry A. Staven, Cokeville ED Manager. has chosen to post the letter on the blog as a community service. It is not at the request of Mr. Staven. Please do not contact this blog with any questions regarding this information. Information may or may not be correct at this date.

April 3, 2009

TO: Prospective Future Eleutian Employee
FR: Harry A. Staven, Cokeville ED Manager
RE: Employment Recruitment

As most of you might already have herd, a company, called the Eleutian Company, is looking to open operations here in Cokeville. The Cokeville Economic Development office is helping the company to pre-qualify a prospective employee pool.
The company uses three levels of hiring standards.
1) “Certified Teacher” – has earned an undergraduate degree
2) “Non-Certified Teacher” – has some college level education or an associate degree
3) “Conversational Tutor” – a high school graduate but did not attend college.
The company will also hire one, or more, supervisory level staff; hiring preference will given to those applicants who have a teaching certificate or prior class room teaching experience.
A “Certified Teacher” will earn $12.00 per hour; a “Non-Certified Teacher” receives $10.00/hour and a “Conversational Tutor” is compensated at $8.00/hour. The company guarantees a weekly minimum of 16 hours of work, however, at this time getting additional work is not a problem because the company is experiencing fast growth and is expanding to multiple new markets.
Currently they are offering two shifts: “Early Evening” shift – 4:00 p.m. – 8 p.m. and “Late Evening” shift – 9:00 p.m. – 1 p.m.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please fill in the attached INTEREST FORM and return it to me ASAP. The company would like to have the data back by no later than this coming Thursday (April 9th). As soon as we have re-qualified a minimum of 20 interested individuals, the company will send a representative here to make a presentation and to hold a job fair for you to talk with them directly. Therefore, please do not delay your response to this inquiry.

Harry A. Staven (307-270-7070 or DaDene 307-279-3227

Hi, my name is (block letters please):

I am interested in employment with the Eleutian Company, in the capacity of: (please select one)

I earned my degree from My degree is in
“Certified Teacher”

I have an Associate Degree Attended some college
“Non-Certified Teacher”

I graduate from (state name) high school
“Conversational Tutor”

If employed, my preference is the:

“Early Evening” shift “Late Evening” shift

I can be reached by calling:
My mailing address is:
Best way to reach me is my e-mail: yes no

I am interested in more than the 16 hours per week work load - yes no

Monday, April 06, 2009

Heber Valley Railroad - Cokeville kids on their way!

Extra! Extra! Read all about it

Cokeville Elementary School Librarian, Ida Walton, gave the following special report to

"17,000 book points exceeded at Cokeville Elementary"

That means the field trip to the Heber Valley Railorad is on!

When: April 30, 2009
Time: Bus leaves at 7:44. Students must be on the bus at 7:30am
Who: All Cokeville Elementary Students grades k-6
Why: Reading goal of 17,000 pts. was met and EXCEEDED this past week
What to bring: Signed permission slip must be turned in, good behavior.
The school will send out more information and a permission slip.

Mrs. Walton says, "This is really happening! I put the caboose on the train this morning and the kids went crazy! We will send home permission slips but we want everyone to be aware and have lots of notice of the early departure time."

This field trip will be an educational one, combining fun with railroad safety and a ride on the Heber Vally Railroad. would like to remind parents: Please talk to your children about this special opportunity and congratulate them for all their efforts in reading this school year!


Friday, April 03, 2009

The link to the Wyoming Newspaper Project or click here to access the Wyoming Newspaper Project search site!!

A press release recently went out announcing the public access to this great historical information contained on Wyoming's old newspapers.

This is what all the "fuss" has been about in town since August, the project many people in Cokeville are employed to help with the final stages of a multi-staged project. Take a minute to browse and enjoy!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Comments on Cokeville Meadows National Wildlife Refuge Wanted...

Cokeville Blog is posting the following, left previously as a comment on this blog, with permission from the author:

I am a student at Utah State University. I have a group project dealing with cokeville meadows national wildlife refuge and noticed a earlier posting of yours from February. I was wondering if you could e-mail me regarding any information as to why there is a heated discussion with old timer residents and possible local landowners near the refuge. What do they mention about why they dislike or distrust the refuge? Or any info on similar or related material.


Jared (

Male Chaperones Needed for Swim School

Please help! We need male chaperones for swim school! Particularly for this Friday, April 3rd. Because of a changed teacher work day several of our scheduled chaperones are looking for substitutes. If we do not have male chaperones, we will have to cancel swim school this week! Even if you do not have an elementry student involved in swim school, we could still use your help! Grandpas, Uncles, Neighbors, Friends, Please contact Shelly Gailey if you can help! 279-5200 or email

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

TODAY - Retirement party for Jackie Holmes at POST OFFICE!

Janet Prows would like to invite everyone to
Today, March 31st, from 10am-5pm

Cokeville Post Office
Retirement Party for Post Master Jackie Holmes

Jackie has served our community for a long time and we appreciate all the service she has done! In addition to millions of letters and packages she has sorted, stamped, returned, rejected, insured, taped, certified, and delivered, she has also
given out a million smiles
stuck at least half a million stickers on little hands
handed out buckets full of candies
blessed our lives with her wonderful personality!

THANK YOU JACKIE, from the bottom of our hearts!
Cokeville has been served by the best!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

No Contract Extension for Cokeville WSL workers

Charlotte Freeman passes on word that there is no chance of the Cokeville Wyoming State Library Workers having their contracts extended past June, 2009.

She spoke with Erin Kinney this morning about 8:30 am and asked what "percent chance" there was that any contracts would get an extension and the answer was "no chance, 0%".

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Potential Job Openings (Cokeville)

Potential Job Openings (Cokeville)

We have been having productive conversations with the leadership of Eleutian Company. This organization hires Wyoming employees to teach English to students in Korea and China. To bring an operation to Cokeville, they need up to 20 teachers teaching an average of 17 hours a week.


College Degree $12/hr

Some College/Associates $10/hr

Native Speaker $8/hr

One teaching Center Manager starting at $30,000/yr.


4:00 AM – 8:00 AM

7:00 PM – 1:00 AM

Once we have interest from 20+ potential employees, we will schedule an informational meeting with an Eleutian representative. Please contact Harry Staven, Cokeville Community Development Manager, if interested ( / 279.3327). Also, if you have not yet completed the Cokeville Experience/Talent Survey, please do so at:

Talen and Work Skills Survey - Cokeville Area


The following is a talent and work skills survey of residents of the Cokeville Area. This information will help us link potential companies with the local workforce. For example, we are in discussion with one company that needs individuals with teaching credentials. The survey is optional, but the data will help us attract employers who need the skills of the individuals in our community.

The Cokeville Economic Development Steering Committee

(if the link does not work, please paste address in your browser bar)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Coaches Teichert, Toomer...Retire

Yes, it is true. Coach Briant Teichert has retired from football after 28 years of being with the Cokeville Panthers Jr. High Team. Coach Brian Toomer has retired from volleyball after 15 years of being the Cokeville Lady Panthers Head volleyball coach. Congratulations to both outstanding coaches on their accomplishments, dedications, and commitment!

Coach Toomer has accepted the position of jr. high football. Coach Teichert plans to enjoy watching his last two girls play volleyball. offers thanks and appreciation for all that these two men have done for athletics and Cokeville's youth during their many, many years of coaching.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Bar J Wranglers - a sell out and then some!

Jackson's Bar J Wranglers entertained a Cokeville audience and more on Friday night in the high school auditorium. The Cokeville Senior Citizen's Center was the sponsor of the event, having some grant money they needed to spend. The ticket price was $15, not bad for not having to leave town to hear these cowboy's sing, yodel, and get you laughing! Folks from Randolph, Utah; Montpelier, Idaho; Kemmerer, Wyoming and more joined the Cokeville folks for a sold-out 2 1/2 hour show. Although the seats, plus around 60 folding chairs, were sold out, the $7500 cost for the Bar J Wranglers was not met. That was always a known factor and that's where the grant stepped in. would like to join in giving thanks to Brenda Lazcanotegui and the Cokeville Senior Citizen's Center, the cooks at the CSCC (Shirley Toomer and Rose Harmon), the CSCC, and all the volunteer's who made this night possible. Thanks to those who turned out to have a good time together as a town!

Next time, let's roll out the red carpet and have a camera clicking at all the western the Emmy's any night!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Town Council Meeting Tonight

There is an emergency town council meeting tonight, Thursday March 19, at 7:00pm. Discussion will include possible land purchases and Uinta Bank. Community input is important, and everyone is invited.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cokeville Economic Development Steering Committee's Mission

Taken from the back page of the January 13, 2009, Cokeville Town Council Minutes

The Cokeville Economic Development Steering Committee's mission
is to
promote economic prosperity and di
versity, community planning and quality of life.
Our focus includes:
  • Attracting services that enhance employment, convenience and quality of life
  • Creating an economic environment that attracts families to the community
  • Encourages the development of local businesses and attracts new ones
  • Promotes the infrastructure required for prosperity (housing, technology, facilities, planning)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Jacks Concert Tonight

There is a concert at CHS tonight (Tuesday, March 17) at 7:30. Happy Jacks is a college singing group from Laramie that performed at an assembly today for the school kids. My kids couldn't stop talking about it. And it is FREE! So bring the family and enjoy some free entertainment. I know this is really short notice, but better late than never, right?

Hiking the Alps nude?

Rumor is this will be the new trend in Wyoming: hiking the Teton's nude in the winter. All predictors point to the reality that it shouldn't be a trend that will last very long :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Ileen Larsen wishes to express sympathy to the Larsen family for the passing of Ileene Larsen - beloved mother, wife, daughter. Relief after her long battle has surely come. She will be missed.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What to do if you are laid off

This is an article from CNN with helps on what to do if you are laid off. Look soon for "Cokeville Cheapskates" link from this site...plan on contributing when you see a good deal or helpful hint! Cokeville.blogspot is looking for several individuals to contribute to the new blog "Cokeville Thrift" with helpful hints, opinions, good shopping deals etc. if you are interested in being a contributor.

Coupon Hints

Here is a link to a news article on how to use coupons and how coupons work. Look soon for "Cokeville Thrift" link from this site!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"Extreme Cheapskates"

Extreme Cheapskates is the title of an article on Yahoo! news. It highlights several people's/families' abilities to cut back spending and shopping even further during this recession. would like to repeat two particularly telling quotes from the article:

Unlike many big spenders during the boom years, he says he and other cheapskates are "sleeping easy" these days.

It would be interesting to hear how Cokevillites , which typically would not fall into the "big spenders" category, feel they are faring during this economic downturn.

"If you have vinegar, Dawn soap and baking soda, you can pretty much make any cleaning product," McCoy said.

This is an interesting concept, which basic items are most necessary to make the basic cleaning products? I would have thought bleach. The article also mentions: borax, washing soda, bars of soap etc.

Anyone have some frugal tips? Look for the "Cokeville Thrift" link coming soon!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fred Roberts to speak on March 19th, 2009 in Afton

Fred Roberts will be speaking in Afton on the topic of Wyoming's sheep industry. He has been invited to speak on March 17 by the Star Valley Historical Society. Details are listed in this article from the Star Valley Independent.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Lady Panthers advance to State 1A Semi-finals

Yesterday the Lady Panthers won Kaycee!

They advance to the 1A semi-finals. Cokeville will play Southeast Cyclones today at 4:30pm. You can listen to a broadcast of the game on

Tomorrow at 10:30 will be the game for 3rd and 4th, if they lose.
If they win...they will play tomorrow after the 1A boys' game, which takes place at 3:30. (Approximately 5/5:30pm)

Last year we did some video through the provider TCT, but that is not allowed this year.
Sorry, no video.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Cokeville Girls' 1st State B-Ball Game - today 10:30 AM

Today the 1st game for the Cokeville Lady Panthers will be held at 10:30 AM in Casper. If you wanted to be there and can't, you can tune in to the live broadcast on

There will be no video but you can hear Bill and Brian in the first round of the state tournaments when Cokeville faces Kaycee. Stay tuned for more times!

Monday, March 02, 2009

Anxiously waiting for Cokeville PTO Officers update...

OK PTO, We are waiting for an update of the new Cokeville PTO officers for 2009-2010. Anxiously waiting...

Cokeville back on the web! was excited to notice that the Town of Cokeville has a website back up for service! You can click here or go to

Back to Back to Back to Back

Cokeville Panther Wrestling is on a roll, roll, roll, roll!
The now four-time team state champions returned home yesterday to a Sunday afternoon crowd! The team took four individual state champion titles. The team and coaches did well and congratulates you on this accomplishment!

Comments welcome on names/placements of individuals

Here is an article leading up to the title matches

Click here to read an article in the Kemmerer Gazette about the Panthers as STATE CHAMPIONS. This was written by assistant coach Darren Moody.

Kalen Hill
Chance Maddock
Andrew Petersen
Sullivan Teichert

State 2nd Place
Jon Kelley Child

State 3rtd Place
Hadley Harmon
Landon Cornia

Coach Moody reported that the Panthers had more than a 50 point lead from the next closest team at the end of the tournament! Congratulations to the entire team and coaching staff.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

March PTO - Open Forum and more

Date: 1st Monday of Month at 4pm - MARCH 2

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Former resident, Richins, continues tradition of service...

Nellie Richins, a former resident of Cokeville who, along with her family, owned and managed the Valley Hi Motel for a few years, has again made the news. Richins could be recognized for several things during her years in Cokeville but perhaps most notably was the time she spent organizing and then chairing the annual Easter Egg Hunt.

Richins, a veteran, recently began new employment in Evanston, Wyoming and has continued her tradition of wanting to be involved in community. This artice in the Uinta Herald on-line, highlights how Richins helped make one man's dream come true, in a big way! Congratulations Nellie and keep up the good work!

Pops Concert - Incredible or what??

OK, was that "Pops Concert" last night incredible or what? ! !

Congratulations to Mr. Wille, Mrs. Cook, and the junior high band and junior high choir and high school band and high school choir and celebration for an outstanding performance!

If anyone has a few photos or their favorite video clip they would like to share on this site, please send it on!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Cokeville - 2A Regional Wrestling Champions

Here is an article from the Casper Star-Tribune Online titled, "'08 Chaps make statements at regionals". It refers to the recent wrestling regi0nal tournament.

Congratulations from to the Cokeville - the 2A Champions!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This is a great little news article on the economy, along with a five minute video from Yahoo! that I think really nails what is going on today.

Do you agree with this man? Is this what is happening? It is a good thing?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cokeville on Facebook

There is a Cokeville open group on Facebook for anyone interested. I am brand new to FB and am not sure how it works, for sure, but probably a lot of users know about it. ( and set up an account to view the site)

Looks like a great form of group communication! Thanks to Charles Dayton for setting it up.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

WSL newspaper workers

Please check the site for a message.


Message to those waiting for possible future part-time/temporary employment with the aforementioned newspaper project:
Don't count on it any time soon with economy the way it is, and is looking

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Virtual Yard Sale

Cokeville's 1st annual "Virtual Yard Sale"
When: Feb. 12 - March 12th
Where: Cokevilleads.blogspot
How: Post your items for sale, pictures if possible.
(Need to be added as a member of the blog first, to post pictures)
Who: Everyone

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Hello World
This is a test

this is a test for orange
this is a test for brown


4th of July 5K adrenaline rush Affordable Housing Afton Albaugh American Legion Auxiliary Anderson animal adoption Arbor Day Archibald Bailey BANK ISSUE Bateman bear river fire district Beck Biggest Loser Birch Bird Blevins Bloomberg Business Week Blue Sky Boughton Brewer Bridger Valley Pioneer Bruce Buddy Holly and the Crickets Call Casper Star Tribune Cemetery Centennial CES Chadwick Chamber of Commerce cheerleaders CHS circus Co-Ed Baseball Coach Pitch Co-Ed Baseball coates Cokeville Cokeville Art Camp Cokeville Arts Council Cokeville Bombing Cokeville Centennial Cokeville Development Corporation Cokeville Economic Development Cokeville Economic Development Steering Committee Cokeville Elementary School Cokeville High School Cokeville Historical Society Cokeville Meadows NWR Cokeville Miracle Cokeville Miracle Foundation cokeville pictures Cokeville Police Cokeville Register Cokeville Syndrome Cokeville Town Hall Cokeville Tree Board Concert Connelly Conner Cook COPYRIGHT NOTICE Cory Cox Cut-Throat Slam Program Dana Date Night Davis Dayton Decker Department of Workforce Services Deseret News Dimond door to door sales Duran EcoDev economic development summit election results election year Eleutian EMT Esterholdt Evanston executive sessions Expedition Yellowstone familywize Ferguson Feuz Fiona fire department Fiscus Fisher Flying J foootball football fotosport Free Freeman Fundraiser Gae Gailey games geocaching global warming Grandy Greybull Grindstone Creek Haka Halloween Halls Happy Jacks Harmon Harris high school music Hobble Creek Hoffman Holden Holmes homecoming Homemade Oreo Cookies houses for sale Hunter's Safety Hunting Hymas IRS Jackman Jackson Lake jobs Johnson jr. high music junior high track Kallstrom kemmerer Kemmerer Gazette Kennington King Kinney Kirk krause Lady Panthers Lake Alice Land for Sale Lander Lazcanotegui LCLI LDS library LIEAP Lincoln County Lincoln County Commissioners Lincoln County Fair Lincoln County Landfill Lincoln County Leadership Institute Lincoln County Public Health Nurse Lisota Little Chicago Review Log Smith Art Luthi McKinnon Meet the Candidate Night meeting violation? Memorial Day Miller Minerva Teichert Invitational Art Show and Sale Miss Cokeville Moody Moore Nate National Weather Service New to Cokeville? Newman Nowlin Obama otball P.E. Panthers park Penner Pep Club Perry Petersen Phillips Pine Creek Ranch Pine Creek Ski Resort Pioneer Day Celebration Planning and Zoning Poem Poetry Out Loud Pope prescription drug discount card Primary Elections PRIVACY POLICY Prows PTO public service Public Services Pugmire Randolph Ut Raymond Mountain read-a-thon recycling Reed Rentfro Richardson Richins Rigby Riverton roberts Robinson Rocky Peak Rodeo Club Rogers Sainz Saxton Saywer School School Board Senator John Barrasso Senior Center Sexton Records Shay Sign Project slide show SMOKE-FREE ordinance Snow Sparks Spring Boutique Star Valley Independent State Champions Staven Stepanek Sunshine Generation swim school Taylor Teichert Temple Riders Ten Virgins Thomas Thompson Thornock To Save the Children Tonga Toomer Town Council Town Council Meeting Town Council Meeting. open meetings town website track team Uinta Bank United Way Veteran's Day Program volleyball volunteer vote VSO WAC Wade walker Walton Warner WCWI Western Governors University WGFD Where the Red Fern Grows wilde Willy and the Hand Jive Wilson Winney Witness to Miracles WIxom Woodward Workforce Investment Act wrestling Wyoming Open Meetings Wyoming State Historical Society wyoming state library Wyoming State Museum WyoPoets