Friday, June 13, 2008

Just a little bit kinder...

I wonder what would happen if everyone was just a little bit kinder today. This can be kinder than we would normally be or perhaps kinder than we really want to be at a particular moment. Would it make a difference in anyone's life?

What if we weren't so defensive, right off the bat. Might there be a little more understanding between each other? Defensiveness often comes across as unkindness. Instead of getting defensive perhaps we can just pause, and wonder why someone might have asked or said what they did? Put ourselves in their shoes and see another perspective...would it make anyone's day go a little smoother?

This isn't an easy thing and that is why I am just wondering, not really committing to anything. I think my husband and I will go for a ride today so it shouldn't be really that tough as we get along very well. And where we are going there won't be very many people, if any, around, so if I really want success, today might be a good day to try.

I visited with several people in our nice town of Cokeville lately and if there was just a little more kindness in their lives, there lives would be a little brighter.
That's something we can all live with.

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